Sunday, June 28, 2009


Well, here is the latest Daring Baker challenge. (Sorry it's a day late; my camera was having problems uploading). First, the "fine print":

The June Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800's in England.

Thanks, Jasmine and Annemarie!

A Bakewell is one of those interesting traditional English recipes that has lots of competing names, techniques and ingredients. I can't post all the details here, but let me know if you want more info (like, say, the recipe), and I'll gladly send it your way! Basically, though, it's a shortcrust pastry with a layer of fruit curd or jam and topped with fangipane (a kind of almond-egg-butter kinda soft, kinda chewy topping).

Since this challenge was in part about using seasonal fruit, I wanted to make a jam with fresh rhubarb from a friend's garden, but it wasn't ready for harvest. Next best option: LINGONBERRIES!

Perhaps I made this tart too quickly. Perhaps the kitchen was a little too hot for the butter stages. In any case, even though each stage seemed to go well (I brushed the crust with egg and poked holes for blind baking, the pre-baked crust looked nice, the frangipane looked right, I piped the frangipane in rather than spreading to prevent leaks), the end result was a flat frangipane toppping, too dark on top and not fully cooked/fluffy beneath. Bleh. I'm guessing that for some reason the specified 400 degree oven was, for my assembled components, too hot.
Everyone at the bbq where it was served seemed to like it, fortunately, and not a crumb was left. That's good, though I'll definitely tinker with the baking stage if I make this again. Cheers, all!


  1. Lingonberry jam is a unique and lovely idea! Sweden meets the UK! I think your tart turned out lovely and i love how golden brown your frangipane got, which gives you crispy bits! Very well done!

  2. I am so jealous, you have fresh ligonberries!!!!! I have to rely on $5.00 for a itty bitty jar of jam where I am. Your tart looks yummy. My frangipane was a bit flat as well.
